A Little Less Conversation**

When I started writing this blog, it was actually to help me learn how to use my new laptop and to learn Web 2.0 kinds of things. I hoped but didn't really imagine that other people would read it. It has been a gratifying and enlightening experience.

I started writing the blog from a place where I was standing on the sidelines, observing the happenings around town and getting to know my city better. The creative people and amazing places I've gotten to know through the blog have inspired me, gradually, to move off the sidelines and back into the thick of things (or at least the version of it that I am suited for).

I started grad school last week. Since I decided to go to grad school sort of last minute (like, the end of January), time for the blog has been shanghaied by various applications, tests, and technology interventions that I needed to perform on myself to get up to speed.

I also have started trying to put my time where my mouth (or my keyboard) is, and I'm putting in a little time in a small way with some groups that do things that are close to my heart... historic preservation and community development.

This is a roundabout way of saying, "Guys, I want to keep up the blog, but posts will be shorter and less frequent." I feel like I have built something here that I don't want to quit on, but at least until I get my sea legs in school, I may have to do "Belle Isle Home Lite".

I hope you still enjoy it. Thanks for reading, especially to those who noticed I was in absentia.

Warm regards,

** Thanks to Elvis, too.


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