Silver And Gold

I like the city at its most deserted, so when everyone else was rushing out to beat the storm, the dogs and I headed to the Riverwalk.
You know those classic movies from the forties, where the leading ladies are filmed to look luminous and a little fuzzy? It was like that.
Just taking a little library break...we'll be back to the ladies of Brainard Street soon enough.


  1. Great photos all of them, love the lights, looks so cold though.

  2. Oh, it's not too bad if you wear long underwear, a turtleneck, boots made for the arctic, gloves under mittens, a hat that makes you look like Elmer Fudd, and a scarf wrapped in such a way that you're unrecognizable to your own mother. ;D

  3. I love the fact that you had the place to yourself (and the dogs). There's something about being along the river on a brisk day or during a storm that's calming. Your photos reminded me of that.

    By the way, what latest winter fashion were the beasts wearing?


  4. Hi Charlie! Smart's fur is growing back nicely. She no longer has to be embarrassed by me putting her in a dog coat, and Fluffy no longer has to wear one in solidarity. Fluffy does, however, accidently bound into snow drifts deeper than him, freeze like a deer in headlights, and have to be carried back to shallower snow. Thank you for asking.


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