Magical Creatures of Noel Night

In case you're not from these parts, or you haven't been to it yet, Noel Night is an annual event in Detroit's Cultural Center and Midtown neighborhood where basically everybody (museums, shops, schools, churches, etc.) opens their doors, welcomes you in, and shows you a good time. It's like the twelve days of Christmas all in one night. It is magical...even the unicorns attend.
...the alpacas wouldn't dream of missing it....
stories are told of Detroit's past.... 
.. and the holiday season is kicked off joyously, with song, dance, art, too many strollers, and the perfect amount of hot cider... 
...wishing you were all here to share it.
In case you were hoping for more of Letta Crapo Smith's story, it is still a work in progress.... the DIA library research was too successful. It may be another week or so before I can finish sorting and organizing, finding links and images to go with all the new info. Sorry for the delay, but hey, it's not like I get paid for this gig. In the meantime, the blog will go on with my regular travels. 


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