What We Wish Street Signs Said

So the artist (artists?) known as TrustoCorp have some new signs up around town. They were last here over the winter. I can't help but wonder....were they actually here or do they have local partners? Can we submit sign ideas to them?
If you map the signs in Detroit, does it make a statement like the ones in the New York project?

Last winter, when TrustoCorp signs first appeared in Detroit, there was a humorously overwrought thread on DetroitYES about whether the signs are vandalism or art. I've read about the new batch of signs in several places...most notably at Real Detroit Weekly, Boots In The Oven, and Inside The Rock Poster Frame, but my favorite article/post was on Jordan Seiler's Public Ad Campaign blog, on June 3rd.
He writes,
"The most recent version in Detroit is uplifting and melts so seamlessly into the city infrastructure you almost wouldn't know it is there, or that it wasn't done through official channels. Blurring the line between authorized and unauthorized projects seems one way of erasing that line completely in the future."
I'm guessing most of the TrustoCorp signs are gone by now...either taken down by city workers or in private hipster collections around town. Any ideas for future signs you'd like me to send them? 


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