I Could Be Even More "Belle".....With Your Help

Some people think I'm trashy....but that just isn't so.  Sure, I get a little rough around the edges, especially after a long, snow-covered winter, but hey, I'm over 100 years old. I've been keeping myself beautiful since 1889. Also, I'm kind of big. I'm 982 acres (that's 1.53 miles) of fun. Zaftig. Voluptuous. Curvy. I have 5 miles of curvy shoreline to maintain.

Plus, I have company over all the time. I have big parties, small parties, quiet gatherings, boisterous gatherings, sports events, reunions, barbecues, weddings, picnics... you name it, I host it here. It's hard to keep up with the housekeeping with thousands of guests every week.

It's true, there are a few bad apples that don't treat me so well. I think we can all agree that the litterbugs should be buried up to their necks in a landfill, have honey poured on their heads, and ants set on them.
Please don't let those folks sully my reputation. Most of the people who visit are fine guests and take good care of me.

So, this Saturday I'm having a special day. I'm asking for a little extra help freshening up for summer, and I hope you'll stop by. My friends will have hot dogs, chips and drinks for you.

Mae West (my kind of woman) said,  "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." Have you spent a spring day visiting me lately? It might be a little cloudy Saturday, but I'm worth it.

From the Friends of Belle Isle Website:
BELLE ISLE ANNUAL SPRING CLEAN UP – Saturday, April 24, 2010 - 8:30am - 1:00pm
FOBI annual Spring Clean Up is scheduled for Saturday, April 24th from 8:30 am until 1:00 pm. 
Come help clean up the winter debris from Belle Isle.  Volunteers will meet at the historic Belle Isle Casino at 8:30 am.  Rakes, picks, and trash bags will be provided by the City of Detroit, whose officials are fully supporting this effort.  Bring your boots and gloves along with your friends and relatives.  All volunteer help is welcome.  If you are not able to clean up, help is also needed with refreshments, shuttling volunteers and organizing the activities.  Please RSVP by Thursday, April 22nd via email to fobivolunteer@sbcglobal.net or by phone 313-331-7760.

Hot dogs, chips and drinks will be provided to workers by the Friends of Belle Isle after the event at 1:00 pm on the steps of the Casino.

Certificates will be provided for students by the Friends of Belle Isle to fulfill community service requirements.

In case of rain, the rain date is May 1.

Here's me dressed up for spring:


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