All About Animals-My Favorite Spay/Neuter Resource In Metro Detroit

If money is tight for you right now, but you still want to do right by your furry family member, check out All About Animals Rescue. They have a low-cost spay, neuter, and wellness clinic in Warren, near I-696 off of Mound. Cats get spayed/neutered for $40 (sometimes $20 when AAA has special events). Dogs get fixed for $80. There are even financial aid programs if you're really in a tough spot.  The clinic also offers routine vaccinations and tests. Their website is can see animals currently up for adoption, as well as get information on all their programs. The young lady above, now a happy princess in her new home, had a broken pelvis when AAA rescued her.
Another now happy and healthy rescued beauty.
Why am I talking about this today, instead of my usual dog walk/city tour? Because Tuesday, February 23rd,  is Spay Day USA, sponsored by the Humane Society of the United States. This week, I will think about how grateful I am to the rescue groups that saved my furries from being euthanized in a shelter because there was no room, and not enough people out there to adopt them.
She is now a therapy dog.
The numbers are crazy...something like 45 cats and 15 dogs born every day for each person born. If we could make sure that more animals are spayed and neutered, we could save millions of animals from suffering living on the streets or from being euthanized. If you live in Detroit, you've seen (and probably tried to help) some pretty sad-looking dogs and cats with no homes.
He was a stud dog in a puppy mill who was being ditched 'cause he was "too old".

If you know people with pets that aren't fixed, tell them All About Animals can help. 
Let people know that spayed/neutered pets live longer and healthier lives.
If you have a blog, twitter, or facebook page, write about it and help raise awareness on the 23rd.
If you've got extra time, volunteer with a local rescue group or shelter.
If you've got extra money, the rescue groups could put it to good use.
If you've got extra love, adopt a new best friend from a shelter or rescue group.

Thank you to everybody out there who fights for the homeless, hungry, cold, and frightened among us. Furry or not.
She rescued me.


  1. These are really great animal shots. Such an important topic too!!

  2. Thank you, Chickenista. Glad you stopped by.

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