Detroit Lighthouse Depot and Coast Guard Station

Along the Riverwalk between Harbortown and Belle Isle lies another fascinating piece of Detroit's maritime past, the Detroit Lighthouse Depot. This building, dated 1871, served to hold supplies for lighthouses all around the Great Lakes. Just as cool....behind this building stands the current Coast Guard Station, USCG: Sector Detroit.
The front entrance...
The front and rear facades of the building are ornamented with these stars....

The City of Detroit now owns the building. There are rumours and hints of plans to turn it into a museum, which would be amazing. Clean-up work and painting appears to be going on inside, but it has looked that way since at least last summer, maybe longer. Like the doors? (sorry for the fuzzies, taken thru a window)

The rear of the building has this entrance, which must have been where all the action was.....
A closer look at the blue doors....

Most of the current Coast Guard Station is gated off from the public, but if you walk along the Riverwalk behind it through Mt. Elliot Park, you can take a peek at the boats and such.
This anchor sits waiting and watching at the end of the pier. (Not sure what boat it's from..would love for someone to chime in..)
Proud flags billow in the brisk January wind... a big thanks to the people working here, keeping us safe on the Great Lakes.


  1. I am from afar, nice piece of history.


  2. Thank you, AV. Welcome to Detroit on the web.

  3. Do you have high resolution photos of the Detroit Lighthouse Depot that you can share with us for a story in Lighthouse Digest? If so, please e-mail


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