Dog Walking at Detroit's Thanksgiving Parade

One of the benefits of living in a half-full city is that I could leave my house 15 minutes after the parade started and get a great, free, two-blocks-from-the-heart-of-the-parade parking space. (For those that know the city, I parked on Shelby, near Washington Blvd.)

There was a nice-sized crowd but still plenty of room to wrangle the dogs. We had a perfect perch on the steps in front of a building. We could have easily gotten closer, but managing the dogs in a crowd is simpler with maneuvering room. The fluffy dog gets underfoot, and the smart dog has far too much energy to sit still for long, so we alternated stretches of walking with stretches of viewing along the parade route.

My favorite part was the walk to the car afterwards, passing various groups of parade participants loading up to go home. If aliens dropped from the sky today and walked around, they would have thought the citizens of Detroit were typically unicyclists, sequined girls in leotards pushing vacuum cleaners (Hooverettes I assume?), giant paper mache head people, and cowboys w/horses. Actually, today they were, weren't they?


  1. Now that looks like one hell of a parade. I wish we had anything like that here, but, you know, that's okay. I can live vicariously through you guys.

  2. Here in Detroit, we need all the visitors we can get, vicarious or otherwise. Thanks for stopping by, bring the kids next year!


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